Cheyenne's Gallery 10-09-'99

Hey my uhmm... I mean... Cheyenne's pal again.

Cheyenne with big pal Ernie and little pal (the strangely colored bear) Beero (or Bero or Beerro or Biero, the family hasn't really got that name on black and white yet)

Now, THAT'S a close-up, she's practically touching my camera lens with her nose.

Another pal of Cheyenne, his name is Joepie. (He usually looks like he's in a bad mood, but he isn't, pat him anytime you want)

And another pal, Radja (named after a Lion King character).

And another pal, Abu (also named after a Lion King character). This is actually Grade A proof, good for a harsh word of his boss, namely, this shows an unauthorized visit on the couch. Not to mention his smug look on his face, because he actually already knows it's not allowed.

And yes, you've probably figured it out by now (by name or looks), Radja and Abu are brothers.