Cheyenne's Gallery 27-12-'99


First time in the McDonald's Ball pool. She throws a mean lefty by the way.

That's Cheyenne asleep on the couch (as her own bed doesn't suffice anymore). That's monkey behind her. And to her right is Pengiun with that orange thing also to the right being his former left wing. Yup, horrifying, but life is harsh, even for stuffed animals.

That's my sis, and Cheyenne holding PoKeMon's crazy and hyped (GOTTA HAVE'M ALL!) character Pikachu. Left is Cheyenne's toy baby-carriage with Heidi sitting in it. Right is a Christmas tree (it's a fake one).

That's Cheyenne with lotsa presents (Jacket is new, to the left is a new toy kitchen, and under the tree are some left-over balloons from her birthday).