My Very Own Homepage With No Particular Title

What a smart title eh ?

Don't pay attention to this, just testing Microsoft FrontPage Express's abilities {:) It should be scrolling though, otherwise, you're using a pretty outdated browser.

This page is best viewed with 1024*768 with 16-bit colors. Even though this page is damn boring. Trust me. Or not, that would be smarter. Trust me.

Right now, all I have is my pic in .JPG or animated .GIF (WOW, if I say so myself {:) Therefore, I suggest this link with both of them on it {:) )

If you followed the previous 3 links, you've already seen 4 pics of me (all of them the same, in a way)

(I wouldn't let me put up with that, you must be real nice, or very stupid)

You want more useless stuff ? This link is for more useless stuff about ME.

Well, that's about all I have to offer ya. Even MORE USELESS stuff can be found here.

Mail at anytime me at (Suggestions are welcome, I think)

Hey wanna see this page in Dutch ? Could be fun, right ?

You are visitor number :

Yup, you've read it right, all zeros and one one. Pretty pathetic, but it makes YOU feel special, right ?

Last update : Not gonna tell ya.

Next update : You won't be old enough to tell.


NEW PAGE !!! CLICK HERE !!! darn, there's no bigger font {:)